Thank You <3 

My last post dealt was difficult to write and I was very reluctant to post it but I’m so glad that I did. I was absolutely overwhelmed by the wonderful, considerate and thought-provoking comments you guys left on the post. It really moved me that you guys took time to leave such kind and caring messages. I mean, this was my face reading the majority of them:


I just wanted to say a massive thank you to you all. You have no idea how much you have helped me and I am so lucky to-…

*music starts playing*

No, no don’t cut me off. I’m not done…I’M NOT DONE. 

*fights security guards*

Okay, I’m done. But thank you. Sincerely and from the bottom of my heart, thank you. 



19 thoughts on “Thank You <3 

  1. The V-Pub says:

    That is so sweet. You have so many people here that care and love you, including me. Now, if you don’t mind, I’m trying to get to the hors-d’oeuvre table. “Oh security guard!”. 😀

    • janeybgood says:

      You’re just the nicest person ever. You’ve been so kind to me, even when I’ve laughed at your beach miseries haha! Now to sneak you to the hors-d’oeuvre table…

  2. cheergerm says:

    Hey, my face just looked like that reading your thanks. No need for thanks but then what you did was bloody brave and you never really know what response you will get. You hope for the best but it’s a beautiful thing when you actually see and read the voice of humanity at its kindest and best. Rock on Ms Cupid. (Arms are always best not looking too ‘claw like’ in photos, having seen a few photos of myself in group hug situations lately, that is something I, personally, need to work on..)

    • janeybgood says:

      I really appreciate everyone just taking the time to comment. It’s lovely! It’s comments like this that make me smile 🙂 ha, I have a bit of a habit of doing that myself! I’m also a bit of an over-enthusiastic hugger 😀

  3. NotAPunkRocker says:

    All the times the people who read my blog, who I never realized were actually reading my blog, have been there to comfort me shows me how important this all is. I mentioned that this is a mostly anonymous place for a lot of people to share themselves, good or bad, but that doesn’t mean that we don’t react genuinely when one of our own is in need. ((hugs)) ❤

    • janeybgood says:

      It’s strange how people on here have actually helped me more, in some ways, than people in my “real” life. I just found all the advice so sincere and useful. And it touched me that people actually took time and really seemed to care 🙂
      It’s a good place to be, this WordPress place 😀

      • pensitivity101 says:

        Oh, you are so right, but in identifying that, you can begin to deal with it. Depression covers so many aspects, angles, reasons and emotions, it makes me livid when people say ‘Snap out of it.’ They have no idea, blindly believing it could never happen to them. You and I both know it can, and it does. ❤

      • janeybgood says:

        I think many people like to pretend that they have compassion and empathy for those who suffer, but in reality, they often become frustrated with those of us who suffer, not to mention, judgemental. Most people are supportive and do try their best to understand, but I have gotten the “snap out of it” comments. That’s why it’s so nice to meet people who know the struggle 🙂 This has really helped.

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