Oops, I’m a Finalist

So I woke up this morning and found out that I have been selected as a finalist in the Most Humorous category for the 2015 Weblog Awards, or Bloggies. Then I hit myself over the head with a shoe, because I thought I was dreaming. 

But no, it’s true. Looook:

There I am! Also, look at my battery power. You’re looking into the mind of a champion.

Of course, I owe a huge thank you to all of you who nominated me. So thank you; sincerely and from the bottom of my weird heart, thank you. 

If voting for me to actually win seems like something you would like to do, then you can follow the link below to do so:

2015 Weblog Awards

Voting is very simple and won’t take long. You just click on the blogs you wish to win and submit your vote.

The truth is, I’m up against some really famous bloggers who have a lot more followers than I do and my chances of winning are slim. Nobody in my “real” life knows about my blog, so I can’t pester my friends on social media to vote for me and that’s definitely a drawback. If you want to share the crap out of this and bug your friends, I would be eternally grateful! I’ll name my firstborn after you.*

 I’m still really honoured to have even gotten this far though. I’m definitely going to make myself a cup of celebration tea (it’s like regular tea, but with wine in it…okay, it’s just wine). 

Also, I would like to congratulate Ben from Ben’s Bitter Blog who has been chosen as a finalist in the Weblog of the Year category. Well done Bitter Ben! You guys can also vote for him by clicking the link above. 

If you do vote for me, I love you. I know that it might be a little soon but seriously… I love you. If you don’t, it’s cool…we’re still friends. *plots your downfall*

Thanks for all of your support. 

*you…Emily Dickinson…Hulk Hogan…it’s all good…

I can’t January

Oh January, will we ever be friends?

Wait, wrong January. But she also sucks.

I mean this January:


I’m gonna come right out and say it: I hate January. I know, it’s such a cliché. It’s like hating Justin Bieber or queueing; is there really an alternative?

In January, I just can’t. Can’t what, you might ask. Well, can’t anything.

Over the festive period, I went into a sort of hibernation. Okay, a literal hibernation. I actually slept for five days straight.

You and me both, brother bear.

I went back to work on Monday, which went something like this:

I did do *some* teaching…

The worst part is, I’m doing all the right things.
I’m going to bed early and getting up early. I’m eating lots of fresh fruit and vegetables. I’m taking vitamins and keeping hydrated.
I’m exercising. But January hates me. It will not let me function. On Tuesday, I was half way to school when I noticed that I was still wearing my slippers. I had to turn back and change (I was seriously considering not changing, I doubt anyone would have noticed) and then I was almost late. Yesterday, I spelled the word ‘review’ r-i-v-e-w. Today, I drove about a quarter of a mile with the boot open. All in all, I’m probably a danger to myself and to society.

Oh January, please go away.

Can you January?

Psst! Remember that you can nominate my blog for “Most Humorous Weblog” in the 2015 Bloggies by clicking here. You don’t have to, especially if you don’t think I’m funny. Well, this is awkward. If you do happen to nominate me, then I want to brush your hair and sing to you. Unless you find that creepy, so maybe I’ll just say thanks? Thanks.

The 2015 Weblog Award Nominations Are Now Open

Hi guys!

I hadn’t planned on posting today but I’ve been made aware that the 2015 Weblog Awards or “Bloggies” have opened their nominations today.

For those of you who may be unaware of the Bloggies, I am going to be super lazy and copy and paste their Wikipedia entry:

The Weblog Awards, nicknamed the Bloggies, are annual non-profit blog awards that have been presented since 2001. They are the longest running and one of the largest blog awards, with winners determined through internet voting by the public. The Weblog Awards are presented by Nikolai Nolan, and are covered by many major news organizations.

I could explain to you guys the rules, or I could put the link to their site and have them do it better:

2015 Bloggies

There are several different categories, so you can nominate a blog/your blog for any that you feel apply to said blog. You must nominate three blogs at a time for any given category.

Now comes the part where I need you guys. I don’t stand a Lohan’s chance in rehab of winning but I would at least like to be nominated. The competition is based on votes so it would really mean a lot to me if you could nominate me in the Most Humorous Weblog category. If you do, I will love you forever. You can click on the link above to nominate. Once you get to the page, scroll down and fill in my blog’s name, Cupid or Cats, and my URL which is https://cupidorcats.wordpress.com
You will have to nominate two other blogs in this category as you have to nominate three at a time, as I mentioned above.

Also, if any of my lovely followers would like to be nominated, please let me know in the comments what category you would like to be put in and I will nominate you because I more than likely love you.

Thank you so much for reading this and for being the best followers in all the land. No, I’m not sucking up. Okay, I’m sucking up a little bit I also am being sincere. I love you. I’ll stop now.

If you don’t nominate me, that’s absolutely fine.

I definitely won’t send my flying monkeys after you.
